A few weeks back, WhatsApp officially announced their third-party support for animated stickers and since then a lot of animated stickers app has emerged in Google Play. But for Bengalis, there wasn’t any specialized animated stickers app until now. But now the popular Bengali Stickers developer Mr.Ray has launched his latest Bangla Animated Stickers app which is solely meant for Bengali users.
This is the first Animated Bengali Stickers app and it contains more than 100+ custom animated stickers. All the stickers are in the Bengali language and it covers a variety of categories i.e. popular Bangla memes, Bengali movies, Bengali cultures and so on.
The app is also highly rated by the users. Currently, it has 4.7 ratings out of 5. Now coming to the point of how you can download and use this app on your smartphone.
Steps To Use Animated Bengali Stickers App
- First, download the Animated Bengali Stickers app from Google Play.
- Then Update Your WhatsApp from Google Play
- Now open the Bangla Animated Stickers app and select your favorite sticker pack and press on the “Add to WhatsApp”
- Open WhatsApp and then go to the sticker section and you will be able to find the stickers there.
That’s it. Now you can easily use your favorite Bengali stickers and send them to your friends.